French & Indian War Re-Enactment

The French & Indian War was fought in 1754-1763 and the British military facility at Fort Edward was a major part of it. Each year in the last weekend of September, the Rogers Island Visitor Center of Fort Edward hosts a French & Indian War Re-Enactment. About a hundred people participate, all dressed in the uniforms and clothing of the day, and equipped with arms and supplies typical of the period. Battles are fought with real flintlock rifles, and heavily armed rowboats of the British Navy are in the waters of the Hudson River along Rogers Island. There are even Indian allies taking part. Many tents are set up, some housing the merchants and craftsmen of that time, called "suttlers". It is quite an impressive show!


The British Army fires a volley with their flintlock rifles. The soldiers in kilts represent the Scottish Black Watch Regiment, known formally as The 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot. This group might have been led by Duncan Campbell, who is buried nearby.


A platoon of Rogers Rangers marches onto the field.


A group of British regulars fires at the French and Indians in the woods of Rogers Island.


The regular French forces were greatly outnumbered and were supplimented by trappers and Indian allies.


The Indian re-enactors had some of the most imaginative outfits!


The British Navy was represented by these rowboats, very typical of what was used in the War. Boats had to be small so they could be carried over-land, around the many waterfalls and rapids. They were armed with small cannon on the bow, called "swivel guns" after the way they were mounted to the boat. They all used black powder, which creates huge clouds of smoke.


This is a close-up of a bow-mounted swivel gun with about an inch and a half bore. They could be loaded with almost anything from balls, to small shot, or nails. The swivel gun could be easily rotated right or left and up and down.


Merchant tents display wares of all kinds, typical of the day. Here is a shop selling flintlock rifles and leather goods.


This merchant tent offers hand-sewn clothing.


A young lady goes shopping! Nothing has really changed since then, has it?