Fort Edward Animal Hospital


The Fort Edward Animal Hospital is owned and operated by Dr. Gordon R. Ellmers Jr., DVM. He is a wonderful veterinarian, specializing in cats & dogs. He has all the latest equipment, and provides excellent care.

Doc Ellmers will take very good care of your pets, as he does with mine. Regular checkups will make a big difference in the health of your fur-babies, and don't forget to keep their shots up to date, very important!

Dr. Gordon Ellmers is also a world renowned bird photographer. His photos are widely respected and admired by everyone. A few samples of his photography appear below.

Fort Edward Animal Hospital - 12 Prospect Street, Fort Edward, NY. 12828 - phone (518) 747-2131

Dr. Gordon Ellmers' Bird Photography

Special Thanks to Doc Ellmers for allowing us to display some of his amazing bird photographs! There will be regular updates, so check back to see his latest work.

These photographs are Copyright (c) 2014, Dr. Gordon Ellmers, Jr. - commercial use prohibited.


A female Snowy Owl sits atop a telephone pole in the Fort Edward Grasslands. They nest in the arctic, but often winter in Fort Edward.


A mated pair of Bald Eagles sit together in a tree. The male is the smaller bird.


A Bald Eagle soars over head.


A Red-Tailed Hawk surveys his domain from a pole, looking for mice and small tasty critters.


This Red-Tailed Hawk strikes his prey at 120 miles per hour, it never had a chance. This photo appeared on the front page of the Glens Falls Chronicle.


The Peregrine Falcon can strike its prey at 240 miles per hour. This one carries his lunch, a half eaten pigeon.


A Belted Kingfisher surveys the water below, watching for small fish and insects.